Answered By: Dan Michniewicz
Last Updated: Mar 07, 2025     Views: 3506

Ebook Central titles from ProQuest come with limits on the number of pages a user may copy, print, or download in a 24-hour period. When you open an Ebook Central title you can see just how much copying or printing you can do.

Below is an example of a typical Ebook Central title. You could read this book online, download it for 7 days, download up to 55 pages in PDF form, or copy up to 14 pages using the copy function within the database.

Availability options in Ebook Central database

If you need significant sections of a title, it's better to download the whole book for a limited time instead of systematically copying it. Copying, printing, or downloading over several days, for the purpose of gathering the book's entire content is considered a copyright violation. 

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