Answered By: Allison Ball
Last Updated: Sep 12, 2024     Views: 189

In order to save your search you must be logged into your library account. You can log in directly from the search results page.

Sign in link on the Library Search page.

(If you don't see the yellow bar, you can click the 'Sign in' link in the top right corner. If you see your name you're already logged in.)

To save your search click the Save Query link at the top of your search results. You’ll see a notification at the top of your screen saying your search has been saved to your favourites. If you want to share your results, you can copy the URL from the address bar on the results page.

Save query link.

To save individual records, use the push pin icon to the right of the item's title. You can share these records through your Library Account.

Accessing saved searches/favourites 

To access saved content in your library account, just click the pushpin icon at the top right of the results page, beside your login information.

Pin your favourites icon/link.

You can add labels to your saved content by selecting one or more records and selecting 'Add labels' at the top of the page. This is a great way to sort out content for different assignments. Note that if you've already labelled anything the 'Add labels' button turns into a pencil icon.

To remove items from your saved list, select the items you wish to remove and select the crossed-out push pin icon at the top of the page. 

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