The library has a list of databases that contain significant Canadian content. You can begin your search directly in one of these databases or you can browse our full list of databases; those that have significant Canadian content in them are denoted by a red maple leaf icon next to their titles:
Alternately, the library website searches many databases at once and is a good place to start for general or multidisciplinary topics.
To search for Canadian content, include Canada, Canadian, or Canad* as one of your search terms. On your results page look for the Subject Terms limit on left-side of the page. Sometimes you can find locations such as cities or provinces that may help you narrow the search down further. e.g.
The Journal Title limit may also help you refine your search to Canadian journals that you're familiar with, though this doesn't always guarantee a Canadian focus.
Finding Canadian research can be difficult, so if you find you need more help consider booking a research appointment, chat with our team, or drop by the Library Service Desk between 9-5 Monday through Friday.
PLEASE NOTE: This site was designed solely for informational purposes for the Seneca Polytechnic community. All other users are encouraged to check and confirm the information needed with their institution or public library. This site is prepared by library staff and is not reviewed by legal council.